Gobo Artwork Specifications

Where to Buy Apollo Products?

Apollo products are sold exclusively through our network of authorized dealers. To purchase Apollo product use our Cart2Quote system by adding a product to your quote where you can select one of our authorized dealers to send your quote to. Or contact an authorized dealer directly.

We can create your gobo from a wide variety of file types. However, the higher the quality of art, the better the gobo. We have identified file types that create the highest quality gobos. We will also accept physical “hard” copies of artwork.

Need help creating artwork? Our professional gobo designers are available at an hourly rate.

Our Customer Care team is available to answer any questions.


Metal Gobos

  • Apollo Metal GobosArtwork preferences for metal gobos:
    • Vectored or line art
    • 1800 x 1800 file
    • All fonts changed to outlines
    • Mac files, do not compress
  • Preferred file types: .ai (Adobe® Illustrator®), .eps, or .pdf (Adobe® Acrobat®)
  • Accepted file types: .ai, .eps, .jpg, .pdf, .psd or .tif files
  • Not Accepted: .bmp, .cdr, .doc, .dxf, .dwg, .gif or .png files

ColourScenic® or SuperResolution®

Glass or Plastic Gobos

  • Apollo Glass or Plastic GobosPhotos - artwork preferences for glass or plastic gobos:
    • 600 DPI resolution or higher
    • 1800 x 1800 file
    • Mac files, do not compress
    • Color Mode: RGB or CMYK
  • Logos - artwork preferences for glass or plastic gobos:
    • Vectored or line art
    • 1800 x 1800 file
    • Mac files, do not compress
    • Color Mode: CMYK (preferred), RGB (accepted)
  • Photos - preferred file types: .psd ( Adobe® Photoshop®), .jpg, .tif
  • Logos/line art - preferred file types: .ai (Adobe® Illustrator®), .eps, or .pdf (Adobe® Acrobat®)
  • Accepted file types: .ai, .eps, .jpg, .pdf, .psd or .tif files
  • Not Accepted: .bmp, .cdr, .doc, .dxf, .dwg, .gif or .png files
  • Original/physical photograph or artwork – 100% of size