IT Director - Bill

Bill Harrison

IT Director

Back in the days of disco, long before there was a computer on every desk, much less a device in every hand, Bill was acquainted with the now-pervasive technology that has revolutionized business, personal interactions, the cultural landscape and everyday life. “I’ve been working with computers since 1979,” he casually remarks. In other words, he was comfortable with arguably the greatest invention since the wheel before most of us could even imagine its implications. Today, as IT Director for Apollo MFG, Bill’s job is to continue his work.

A member of the Apollo team since 1996, Bill is focused on “leveraging technology to help us be more efficient and processing data to help us make smarter decisions.” With tongue firmly in cheek, Bill also claims to work magic. “When somebody calls me to check out something that isn’t working, I find that it is magically fixed when I get there.” He also has a disappearing act. He vanishes away from work and stays out of cell phone range on vacations.

After studying computer science at Purdue University, Bill had a few decidedly low-tech but characteristically “green” jobs in his pre-Apollo days. He worked on a mowing crew for a lawn care firm and was a bartender at an inn atop Vermont’s Mount Equinox.