Six Degrees of Separation + The Sales Process
The theory behind the six degrees of separation is that everybody in the world can be connected in someway to everyone else through six steps. This theory fueled the thought process behind the 6° of separation coin. We are more disconnected than we ever despite living in a connected world, and we know that strong relationships start with one-on-one connections. It is easy to blow through whatever we’re doing and not slow down. We don’t take the time to truly make connections. Trust is more easily established when there’s a common link, and this connection can shorten the time needed to move prospects through the sales funnel.
The 6 Degrees Coin creates a stronger first connection. When we give away business cards, 85% are thrown away within one week, and 33% of them don’t make it to a database. And for those that are fortunate enough to make it into the database, those contacts are likely to be missing contact information. Simply put, we lose control of how data is shared and what exactly that data is. Understanding that relationships expand exponentially beyond immediate contacts, sales teams can build extensive referral networks, enhancing lead generation, so long as every piece of data is getting passed on to the lead.
That's where the notes section comes into play. It's the single most important place When a database is searched search in the future you want your details to pop up. This is your chance to control the search terms you want to be known for. They might forget your company, but they probably don’t forget what you do,. They might search by what your company is known for or what you personally are known for. This targeted approach saves time and resources while improving the quality of the interactions, as prospects reached through trusted mutual connections are more likely to engage in meaningful conversations.
The goal is to be the at the top of that search. Most people don’t fill out all the information when putting a business card into their phones database, but, by using a QR code on a 6 Degrees Coin, you'll have peace of mind that there won't be any data loss. As you hold out the coin you make visual contact with them, you are able to connect in those few seconds while holding the coin to scan. The process is a very human process of one on one standing in front of each other. Shouldn't we all be striving to be more present with the people around us? Connect with prospective leads on a more personal level today with a 6 Degrees Coin.
It’s an excellent choice as a business card alternative, and even better, there’s no waste. Just a straight path to the beginning of a great partnership.